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Ambassador of Italy in Sudan Visits Mine Action activities in the field

On 20th June 2016, Mr.  Fabrizio Lobasso, the Ambassador of Italy in Sudan, visited mine clearance operation in Talkok locality, Kassala state of Sudan. The Ambassador appreciated the humanitarian work UNMAS and its partner does in Sudan. He mentioned that he has now a practical story about the Mine Action work which he can tell other donors and to convince them to come forward and contribute to this rather important humanitarian work we do in Sudan.  
The mine clearance operation in Talkok locality, Kassala commenced in May 2016, is funded by the Government of Italy through UNMAS earlier this year and implemented by National Units for Mine Action and Development (NUMAD).  It is to note that Italian funded project in Talkok is the first clearance operation since the re-engagement of UNMAS in Sudan in April 2015. This funding enables UNMAS and NMAC to clear the remaining known Hazards in Talkok locality which will be a further step for Sudan towards being Ottawa compliance. The funding also supports risk education operation in Kassala and non technical survey operation in Red Sea.   
Photos: UNMAS Sudan