It was the first week of summer classes in Ribat secondary school, El-Fasher, North Darfur. Annas Adam Ahmed, 11 years old was out playing with his friends when he spotted a shiny object. Gleefully, he picked up the object and invited his friends to join in discovering their new found “toy”. Unknown to them, the shiny object was an unexploded ordnance (a hand grenade), a sad legacy of the over 13 years of armed conflict in Darfur. He fiddled with the hand grenade and it exploded resulting in the death of Annas Adam and severely injuring his three other friends all aged between 11 and 13 years. Unfortunately, Adam is one of many children that have lost their lives to unexploded ordnance related accidents in Darfur. Explosive Remnants of War (ERW) incidents are regular occurrences in Darfur and children are the most affected.
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