High-Level Pledging Event to Support the Humanitarian Response in the Horn of Africa, 24 May 2023
Secretary-General's Message on the International Day for Mine Awareness and Assistance in Mine Action, 4 April 2023
2022 Protocol V Meeting of Experts on Explosive Remnants of War to the Convention on Certain Conventional Weapons, 22 July 2022
2022 Amended Protocol II Group of Experts on mines, booby-traps and other devices to the Convention on Certain Conventional Weapons, 20-21 July 2022
Secretary-General's Message on the International Day for Mine Awareness and Assistance in Mine Action, 4 April 2022
Global Advocate Statement for the International Day for Mine Awareness and Assistance in Mine Action, 4 April 2022
Pope Francis Statement 4 April 2021
Secretary-General's Message on the International Day for Mine Awareness and Assistance in Mine Action, 4 April 2021
Global Advocate Statement for the International Day for Mine Awareness and Assistance in Mine Action, 4 April 2021
UNDP Development Dialogues: “Beyond the Square Meters Cleared: Mine Action and Development,” 18 March 2021
Conference on Humanitarian Mine Action: Innovations and Strategies in Humanitarian Mine Action," 22 September 2020
The Fourth Brussels Conference on "Supporting the future of Syria and the region," 30 June 2020
Virtual Side Event "Persons with Disabilities in Armed Conflict: Inclusive Protection Perspectives," 28 May 2020
UN Security Council Briefing on the Situation in Somalia, 21 May 2020
International Mine Awareness Day 2020 | MINURSO
Secretary-General's Message on the International Day for Mine Awareness and Assistance in Mine Action, 4 April 2020
UNMAS Director and Global Advocate Joint Statement for the International Day for Mine Awareness and Assistance in Mine Action, 4 April 2020
Fourth Review Conference of the Convention on the Prohibition of the Use, Stockpiling, Production and Transfer of Anti-Personnel Mines and on their Destruction
- IACG-MA Statement under Agenda Item 6: Renewing the political commitment to the Convention
- IACG-MA Statement under Agenda Item 7(c): Clearing mined areas
- IACG-MA Statement under Agenda Item 7(e) (i): Cooperation and Assistance
- IACG-MA Statement under Agenda Item 7 (d): Victim Assistance
Twenty-first Annual Conference of the High Contracting Parties to Amended Protocol II on mines, booby-traps and other devices
2019 Meeting of High Contracting Parties to the Convention on Certain Conventional Weapons
Thirteenth Conference of High Contracting Parties to Protocol V on Explosive Remnants of War
- UNMAS Director's remarks: the Special Conference on Peace and Stability in the Horn of Africa and the Neighboring Region
- UNMAS Director's remarks: Pleary Session 5 "Strengthening Peace and Stability"
- UNMAS Director's remarks: Thematic Session 1 "Science, Technology and Innovation, and Digital Transformation"
Ninth Meeting of States Parties CCM
2019 Convention on Certain Conventional Weapons – Protocol V Meetings of Experts
- UNMAS Statement
- Presentation by Ms. Bridget Forster, UNMAS Programme Manager in the State of Palestine
- UNMAS Statement: 2019 Meeting of Experts of the High Contracting Parties to Protocol V
2019 Amended Protocol II Group of Experts
Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities: 22 Session
Intersessional Meetings of the Anti-Personnel Mine Ban Convention (22-24 May 2019)
2018 Group of Experts of the High Contracting Parties to Amended Protocol II on mines, booby-traps and other devices, to the Convention on Certain Conventional Weapons (CCW)
ECOSOC Humanitarian Affairs Segment (HAS)
Opening Reception: “Mine Action: Advancing Protection, Peace and Development,” 4 April 2018
- Deputy Secretary-General, Opening New York Exhibit on Landmine Clearance, Declares ‘Mine Action Is Peace Action’
- Statement by the Coordinator of the UN system and Chair of Inter-Agency Coordination Group for Mine Action Meeting of the Mine Action Support Group
A World Free on Landmines - Panel Discussion to Mark the 20th Anniversary of the Ottawa Treaty, 13 December 2017
Nineteenth Annual Conference of the High Contracting Parties to Amended Protocol II on mines, booby-traps and other devices to the Convention on Certain Conventional Weapons, 21 November 2017
Fourth Committee debate on Mine Action, 1 November 2017
UN Foundation/UNA-USA Global Leadership Dinner, 18 October 2017
- Statement by Mr. Daniel Craig, the UN Global Advocate for the Elimination of Mines and Explosive Hazards
- UNMAS Statement by Ms. Agnès Marcaillou, Director, UNMAS
Side event: Countering the threat of IEDs: Strengthening Capacities and Stabilizing Communities, 17 October 2017
Economic and Social Council, Humanitarian Segment, 23 June 2017
Security Council Thematic Debate on the Comprehensive Approach to Mine Action and Explosive Hazards Mitigation, 13 June 2017
- Statement by Mr. Alexandre Zouev, Assistant Secretary-General for Rule of Law and Security Institutions
- Statement by Ms. Nathalie Ochoa, UNMAS Programme in Colombia
First Committee Side event ‘Improvised Explosive Device (IED) Threat Mitigation: Lessons Learned from Iraq,’ 12 October 2016
Second Conference of States Parties of the Arms Trade Treaty, August 2016
ECOSOC Humanitarian Affairs Segment, 29 June 2016
Sixth Biennial Meeting of States on the Programme of Action, 6-10, June 2016
World Humanitarian Summit, May 2016
- UNMAS Director’s Statement for the Member States and other Stakeholders Announcements Plenary
- UNMAS Director’s Remarks at the WHS Special Session on Inclusion on Persons with Disabilities
- UNMAS Director’s remarks at the GPC side event: Protection Dilemmas and Opportunities in frontline Humanitarianism: principles protection and proxımity
International Counter Improvised Explosive Device Leaders Forum, Canberra, 3 September 2015
Maputo Summit: Third Review Conference, Maputo, 23-27 June 2014
Statements delivered by Ms. Agnès Marcaillou, UNMAS Director on behalf of the Inter-Agency Coordination Group for Mine Action (IACG-MA).
- IACG-MA Statement on Universalization - Agenda item 7 (a)
- IACG-MA Statement on Destroying stockpiled anti-personnel mines - Agenda item 7 (b)
- IACG-MA Statement on Clearing mined areas - Agend item 7 (c)
- IACG-MA Statement on Assisting the victims - Agenda item 7 (d)
- IACG-MA Statement on Cooperation and assistance - Agenda item 7 (e)
- IACG-MA Statement on Transparency in implementation - Agenda item 7 (f)
- IACG-MA Statement on Measures to ensure compliance - Agenda item 7 (g)
13th Meeting of the States Parties (13MSP) APMBC, Geneva, 2 -5 December 2013
Statements delivered by Ms. Agnès Marcaillou, UNMAS Director on behalf of the Inter-Agency Coordination Group for Mine Action (IACG-MA).
- IACG-MA Statement on General Exchange of Views - Agenda item 8
- IACG-MA Statement on Victim Assistance - Agenda item 10 (a)
- IACG-MA Statement on Clearing Mined Areas - Agenda item 11 (b)
- IACG-MA Statement on Destroying Stockpiled Anti-personnel Mines - Agenda item 11 (c)
- IACG-MA Statement on Universalizing the Convention - Agenda item 11 (d)
- IACG-MA Statement on Transparency and the Exchange of Information - Agenda item 11 (f)
Fourth Meeting of State Parties (4MSP) CCM Lusaka, 9-13 September 2013
Delivered by Ms. Agnès Marcaillou, UNMAS Director on behalf of the Inter-Agency Coordination Group for Mine Action (IACG-MA).
- IACG-MA Statement on Victim Assistance
- IACG-MA Statement on Clearance and Risk Reduction
- IACG-MA Statement on Stockpile Destruction and Retention
- IACG-MA Statement on Universalization
- IACG-MA Statement on Transparency Measures
- IACG-MA Statement on National Implementation Measures
- IACG-MA Statement on Cooperation and Assistance
- IACG-MA Statement on Compliance
Royal Higher Defense Institute Colloquium, Brussels, 28 March 2013
- The Ottawa Convention: The First Step Towards Humanitarian Demining - Delivered by Ms. Agnès Marcaillou, UNMAS Director
12th Meeting of the States Parties (12MSP) APMBC Geneva, 3-7 December 2012
Delivered by Ms. Agnès Marcaillou, UNMAS Director on behalf of the Inter-Agency Coordination Group for Mine Action (IACG-MA).
- IACG-MA Statement on General Exchange of Views Agenda item 8
- IACG-MA Statement on Victim Assistance Agenda item 10 (a)
- IACG-MA Statement on Clearing Mined Areas - Agenda item 10 (b)
- IACG-MA Statement on Destroying Stockpiled Anti-personnel mines - Agenda item 10 (c)
- IACG-MA Statement on Universalizing the Convention - Agenda item 10 (d)
- IACG-MA Statement on Transparency and the Exchange of Information - Agenda item 10 (g)
- IACG-MA Statement on Cooperation and Assistance - Agenda item 10 (f)
Third Meeting of State Parties (3MSP) CCM, Oslo, 11-14 September 2012
Delivered by Ms. Agnès Marcaillou, UNMAS Director on behalf of the Inter-Agency Coordination Group for Mine Action (IACG-MA).
- Message by the UN Secretary-General
- IACG-MA Statement on General Exchange of Views
- IACG-MA Statement on Victim Assistance
- IACG-MA Statement on Stockpile Destruction and Retention
- IACG-MA Statement on Clearance and Risk Reduction
- IACG-MA Statement on Universalization
- IACG-MA Statement on Transparency Measures
- IACG-MA Statement on National Implementation Measures
- IACG-MA Statement on Cooperation and Assistance
- IACG-MA Statement on Compliance