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UNISFA Conducts First Weapons and Ammunition Destruction Activity

On 11 November 2015, UNISFA conducted its first weapons and ammunition destruction activity in Abyei. UNMAS took the lead in the preparation and implementation of the event in which light weapons and ammunition (mostly AK47s and PKMs) confiscated by UNISFA in the Abyei Area were destroyed. Mission leadership, UN agencies, national monitors from Sudan and South Sudan, and media participated in the event.
Speaking at the event, the Force Commander/OiC Head of Mission, Lt. Gen. Birhanu Jula Gelalcha acknowledged UNMAS support enabling UNISFA to carry out its mandate in weapons and ammunition management thus to maintain peace and security in Abyei. Since May 2015, UNMAS assisted the Mission in constructing a weapons and ammunition storage site, weapons cutting shears and ammunition incinerator. UNMAS also developed a manual that outlines standard operating procedures on weapons and ammunition storage and destruction.