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Press Releases

10 Apr 2018 | Baghdad
The United Nations Mine Action Service (UNMAS) in Iraq welcomes a renewed contribution of twenty five million (25,000,000) Danish Kroner (USD 3.7 million) from the Government of Denmark in support of UNMAS’ activities that are providing an explosive hazard management response in areas liberated from Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL).
5 Apr 2018 | Baghdad
The United Nations Mine Action Service (UNMAS) welcomes an additional contribution from the Republic of Estonia in support of mine action activities in Iraq. The Republic of Estonia has prioritized mine action, including clearance of explosives in areas liberated from ISIL, as essential activities before the rehabilitation and reconstruction work can be carried out and civilians can start to return home safely.
4 Apr 2018 | New York
The United Kingdom, through its Department for International Development (DFID) has committed to clearing a further 20 km² of land and 1,000 km more of priority routes for humanitarian aid delivery in Afghanistan and Sudan, in partnership with the United Nations Mine Action Service (UNMAS). This funding is part of DFID’s global efforts to address the landmine issue through a multi-year £100 million UK aid package announced last year.
1 Apr 2018 | New York
The United Nations Mine Action Service (UNMAS) has received a contribution of USD 9.3 million to the United Nations Voluntary Trust Fund for Assistance in Mine Action (UN VTF) from the Government of Japan to undertake critical humanitarian mine action programming in Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Sudan and South Sudan. Japan is one of the largest donors to the UN VTF providing over USD 132 million since 2010. In addition to its financial support, UNMAS benefits from the provision of Japanese in-kind personnel.
1 Apr 2018 | Beirut
Beirut, 1 April 2018 – with the support from the Government of Japan (USD 1.3 million), the United Nations Mine Action Service (UNMAS) Syria Response launched the project “Protecting Civilians in Syria through Humanitarian Mine Action Coordination” to reinforce the protection of civilians in Syria through humanitarian mine action activities. 
31 Mar 2018 | Baghdad
The UK Government has donated an additional 1 million GBP (1.3 million USD) to the United Nations Mine Action Service (UNMAS), increasing the UK total contribution to 14.2 million GBP (20 million USD). The additional funding will boost UNMAS support to stabilization efforts by increasing survey and clearance of critical infrastructure in liberated areas. This is important before rehabilitation can commence and crucial for the safe, dignified and voluntary returns of displaced people.
28 Mar 2018 | Baghdad
The United Nations Mine Action Service (UNMAS) welcomes the contribution of USD 4.5 million from the Government of Japan to support the UNMAS Iraq emergency response related to on-going humanitarian and stabilization efforts in liberated areas contaminated with explosive hazards. Close to 2.3 million people are still displaced. Schools, hospitals, roads, bridges, electrical power stations and water treatment plants are still contaminated by explosive hazards in liberated areas.
20 Feb 2018 | Baghdad
One in 10 internally displaced persons (IDPs) not planning to return home cites explosive hazards as the reason. If the safe removal of explosive hazards including improvised explosive devices (IEDs) is delayed, the ability for those who have been displaced to return is compromised. Similarly is the ability of the Government of Iraq and the international community hampered to undertake critical post-conflict interventions. Over 50% of Iraqis who were displaced by ISIL and the military operations following to defeat ISIL have returned home.  
13 Feb 2018 | Kuwait City
Lives and livelihoods in Iraq’s liberated areas are being restored at long last. In Fallujah, as many as 1,800 vehicles and 100 pedestrians per hour can cross the re-opened ‘new bridge’ linking Baghdad with Al-Anbar Province. The fibre optic cable connecting more than 3,000 customers with Baghdad has been restored. The Jadidah fuel station, which had been closed for three years, now pumps an average of more than 31,000 litres for 300 vehicles per day.
9 Jan 2018 | Baghdad
The United Nations Mine Action Service (UNMAS) welcomes an additional contribution of € 17 million ($20.2 million) from the Government of Germany towards survey and clearance of explosive ordnance in support of humanitarian and stabilization initiatives. The overall contribution, totalling € 44.2 million ($52.5 million) since 2016, makes the Government of Germany the most significant donor to UNMAS in Iraq.