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Statement by Stephanie Williams, Acting SRSG UNSMIL, on the Death of Two Libyan Mine Clearance Workers in Southern Tripoli

Tripoli, 6 July 2020 - Acting Special Representative of the Secretary-General (ASRSG) for Libya and Head of the United Nations Support Mission in Libya (UNSMIL) Stephanie Williams expresses her deep sadness and regret over the death of two humanitarian mine clearance workers yesterday in southern Tripoli and offers her heartfelt condolences to their families and loved ones.

I am deeply saddened by the deaths of another two mine clearance workers who passed away in the line of duty, sacrificing their lives to ensure that neighbourhoods are free from explosive devices and remnants of war. They worked bravely and in very difficult circumstances to enable their fellow Libyans, who are eager to return to their homes, to do so safely,” ASRSG Williams said. “The indiscriminate planting by forces affiliated with the Libyan Arab Armed Forces of explosive devices in civilian neighbourhoods, that have since late May reportedly killed and injured 81 civilians and 57 non-civilians, including mine clearance workers, is a potential violation of international law,” she warned. 

The Acting SRSG salutes the courageous search and clearance work being conducted by Military Engineers, Libyan Police, the National Safety Authority, as well as by humanitarian mine action organizations. This tragic incident underlines the urgent need to support relevant Libyan partners, including with additional resources such as funding, training, and equipment. The UN and the international community reaffirm their continued support to Libyan partners, communities, and stakeholders who are working tirelessly to rid Libya of the threat of booby traps, including improvised explosive devices, land mines, and explosive remnants of war.

[Read in Arabic]

Source: UNSMIL