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UNMAS in the Territory of Western Sahara

Both sides of the 1,465 km (out of 2,700 km) berm dividing the Territory of Western Sahara remain significantly contaminated with landmines and ERW as a result of the armed conflict from 1975 until 1991 between the Royal Moroccan Army and the Polisario Front. These explosive ordnance continue to endanger the lives of local nomads, daily activities in settlements, as well as the livestock on which they are dependent, United Nations military observers monitoring the ceasefire and humanitarian workers.

UNMAS operates as a component of the United Nations Mission for the Referendum in Western Sahara (MINURSO). Operating from the MINURSO Headquarters in Laayoune (Territory of Western Sahara) and the MINURSO Liaison Office in Tindouf (Algeria), UNMAS in the Territory of Western Sahara serves as the United Nations focal point for mine action related activities within the MINURSO area of operations. Thanks to funding from donors, UNMAS has also reduced the threat posed by landmines and ERW by conducting humanitarian mine clearance, stockpile destructions, RE, capacity enhancement and by providing assistance to survivors of mine/ERW accidents.

Find out more here: https://unmas.org/en/programmes/westernsahara